Sunday 31 January 2010

Self Defense For Women Training Course and Instruction

Women Self-Defense is Needed More Today Than Ever Before

Crime is on the rise and the crimes are against women are rising at an alarming rate. Women are being assaulted both in rural and urban areas so much women's self defense is becoming an interest to both law enforcement officials and women's advocate groups. Women need to know how to defend themselves and how to protect themselves from diverse situations that could cause harm or even death. If a woman chooses not to defend herself, her possessions, sexual virtues, and even life could be at stake. The statistics show if a man is walking down the street alone and a woman is walking down the same street, the woman has an 80% more chance of being attacked, robbed, or raped than a man. The question is why?

Women have been traditionally known as the weaker sex. Most assaulters are men and they see women as an easy target. Why choose a man to rob when he is likely not only to defend himself, but would also slow down the assault and get away. Women are the logical choice for the criminal activity because most women would succumb to the assaulter's wishes because of smaller stature and less strength. Women were protected in the past by society's rules and a sense of chivalry. Not that chivalry is dead everywhere, a woman has more chance to be assaulted in today's society then they would have twenty years ago.

Women's self-defense is more important today because women have been devalued at the street level in today's society. Most rap videos portray women in a way that they are controlled by men or thugs and are present for sexual pleasure and little else. With this attitude prevailing in the youth of America, a women's self-defense is important to prove that a woman can take care of herself and not become of a young man's desire for sexual violence. Night clubs and discos have become a hunting ground for men of low character who are looking for easy sex without the benefit of honor or self-restraint. A women who has taken women's self-defense classes can stop an attack by an unwanted Romeo or at least hold back the attack until she gets help.

Today's society is a dangerous place for a lady. Every time she walks across an abandoned parking lot at the local supermarket or walks into the parking garage at night to get in her car, she is endanger of being attacked for reasons of sex or money. Women need women's self-defense classes to give her the confidence that she can defend herself and can rely independently upon herself. Thirty years ago it was not that important to take women's self-defense courses. Your father, brother, husband, or boy friend would protect you from the evils of society. Today a woman does not have that luxury because of lifestyle changes and the changes within our society.

Taking a women's self-defense course is the best advice that you can take to save your processions, your womanhood, and you or your children's life.

Get More Information on Self-Defense The Easiest Way At By: Wanda E. Hall, Self-Defense Expert

Women's Self Defence - How Pre-Planning An Attack Could Be The Key To Your Survival
This article is aimed at female readers but the principles discussed could just as easily
apply to a male person as well.

As A Women You Could Be Subject to Violence in Your Home, in the Street, in Your Vehicle or Relationship!

But a women who knows something about how to defend herself in a crises is much better off than the women who does not.

Learning simple counter attacks is your best chance of surviving a physical assault.

If you take the time to learn just a few simple techniques, you will stand a much better chance of getting away from any attacker. In other words, the way you react in the first few seconds of any attack could determine the outcome of the rest of your life or a loved one.

Listen up! You know there are no soft hearted rapists or killers out there.

It is your responsibility to ensure you do not become another crime statistic. Today's criminals are merciless. Of course, avoidance is the best policy. But today it's becoming more and more impossible to avoid danger on our streets. None of us are immune.

So it makes sense to have a survival plan worked out in advance in case the unthinkable should happen to you. Something as simple as an escape and evasion plan decided on in advance. So if anyone does try to harm you. You'll know instantly what to do and how to deal with it.

Sounds easy doesn't it? Well that's because it is. Let me explain. Anyone, any age, anywhere in a matter of hours or days can learn a few simple self defence techniques in order to fight back against and deter a vicious attacker who wants to hurt you.

Yes, you can learn enough different moves and be able to apply them. In fact, all over the world women are doing exactly that. Fighting back and winning.

The bottom line is, so many women think they can't be strong in the face of danger, but I'm here to tell you that anyone can be. Women don't have to be the weaker sex. You can be strong and effective.

Don't be a victim learn how to be aware of situations before they happen and how to defend yourself by reading and putting into practice the useful information revealed in a brand new manual written specifically to help women from becoming victims of crime. I highly recommend you read it because it can literally mean the difference between life and death. Don't become just another statistic.

It's Time to Fight Back and Win.

How much is your safety worth? Urban Close Combat instructor, Buzz Campion, is the author of a very useful and informative new self defence and awareness guide that will teach every women how to avoid or defend herself against an unprovoked violent attack in the home at work or in the street.

Article Source:

Sometimes Cops Just Don't Understand

When Master Instructor Ross developed his training and setout to conquer the world of self defense he thought he'd be training elite military units and police officers all the time, and while these clients are among those enrolled in our various training programs most are average citizens.

Now that is a good thing and if more of the population knew how to fight the safer we all would be, but it's amazing to us that most police officers think their training is adequate, and don't feel the need to learn more. Well eventually they do come looking for training, but most often after they've had their life flash before during a struggle with a suspect. Don't wait until you get hurt or witness someone else's death to learn self defense.

After working out for awhile in traditional martial arts and the self defense training system I felt like I knew a few things, and while I know it is a continual process I definatly feel more confident. After all I had learned real combat martial arts, unlike what most people learn which is ineffective in real street fights, so I wanted to share what I learned with others. People that I know who are mix martial arts fans were surprised that I actually could do some of the moves, but that was just my Judo training, I wanted to help the police officers that safe guarded our community.

There was one problem though, outside of those who came to us for some self defense training most weren't very interested. They were confident in their training and felt they knew how to handle a real street fight better than any martial artist. Thing is they're right, most martial artists don't prepare for real combat, and those who do to often rely on complicated moves that are nott difficult to make work in a tense combat situation. Well that isn't what we do, we train people how to fight in the real world. Our mission is to change how people think of self defense, and make sure nobody cop, solider, or civilian dies because they didn't learn the right training.

Most police officers I've encountered are well trained professionals, but most of their training has to do with firearms, and when you mention close quarter combat they just think about SWAT training. When it comes to hand to hand combat most think of batons and pepper stray, and while these are useful tools they don't work on everyone. Well self defense training goes beyond what you're taught and can help you get out of situations like having a knife to your throat or a shotgun leveled at your head.

Self Defense training let's you be proactive while still being an officer, and you'll be able to take control faster. It seems that outside of the police community everyone is more interested in the safety of the scum bags, but not us, we want you to get home safe every night. You put yourself out there protecting your community, so keep training so you're ready for your great gettin' up mornin'.
Author Resource:- Click on the links provided for more information on martial arts Indiana, self defense Indiana and mixed martial arts Indiana.

Article From Ezine-Articles